Best Kept Anti Aging Beauty Secrets

Learn the best kept anti aging beauty secrets that help make women and men look better than their much-younger counterparts. Growing older is a blessing, but looking OLDER with sagging skin, wrinkles and puffy eyes is another thing.  Honestly, there is no stopping the hands of time. We are all going to age someday, but with proper diet, exercise and skincare routine, we can age gracefully. You may not be able to stop the hands of time, but you don’t have to also wear your age on your  face too. There are so many beauty secrets and rituals that can help your look much younger, particularly on your face. It’s better to start adapting a healthy lifestyle and taking proper care of your body so you age gracefully. Aging gracefully includes taking care of you from the inside out by living a positive lifestyle, exercising, eating balanced diet, reducing stress and using the proper skincare products. Looking good doesn’t come only in a bottle! Drink More Water Drinking more water will hydrate your skin, boost your energy levels, flush out toxins from your systems and keep your body hydrated.  Drinking a lot of water throughout the day will help keep your skin plump, healthy, hydrated, moisturized and younger looking Meditate Meditation stops time. Several studies have shown stress can cause premature aging or accelerate aging faster partly due to the accumulation of stress in the body and mind. Meditation helps relieve stress, and maintain balance in the body. Try to control the level of stress in your life. Take a few minutes each day to breathe, be in the present, be still and content. This will help lower your blood pressure, decrease stress and increase happiness. Eat More fruits and veggies Good balanced diet is important if you want a glowing healthy looking skin. What you put into your body directly affects how your body functions. Eat foods rich in antioxidants like fruits and vegetables for glowing, youthful and healthy skin. Antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body that causes premature aging. Exfoliate Exfoliating your skin once a week is really good at removing dead skin cells that are clogging your beautiful skin to reveal a more youthful, fresher, and healthy glow. As you age, your skin slows down in shedding dead skin, exfoliating your skin helps shed these dead skin. Use good moisturizer Hydrated skin is healthy skin. Even if you have oily skin, you still need to moisturize as dry skin can lead to premature signs of aging, loss of luster, youthful glow, clogged pores and wrinkles. Proper hydration is a crucial part of skin health and anti-aging care. Don’t forget your neck too! Your face may look younger than your age, but your neck, shoulders and hands can instantly give away your true age. It’s important to take care of those parts of your body daily to help prevent premature aging. Use Sunscreen It might be tempting to enjoy the glow of the sun during springtime, but it’s very important to protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Don’t forget your neck, hands, shoulder and feet. Stop Smoking Smoking will make you look older than you really are and shorten your lifespan. Avoid smoking
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