Dealing With Skin Dehydration

  Dehydration can affect every skin type and every age, especially those with dry skin. Skin dehydration is the loss of water in the skin and occurs when the skin loses more moisture than it takes in. Dehydration often leads to thinning of the skin, promotes development of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet. Being dehydrated can change the appearance of your skin – it may appear flushed, dry and older looking. The skin dehydration often result from a hot, dry climate, not drinking enough water, prolonged exposure to sun, poor skin hygiene, air conditioning, harsh soaps etc. Your skin naturally loses up to half a pint of water every day, which means it constantly needs replenishing. It’s essential to seal moisture directly intp your skin to keep it healthy and well-hydrated. Results of dehydration:
  • Discomfort
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Shrunken skin
  • Feeling of tightness
  • The skin looks rough
  • Redness
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Premature aging
  • Flaking, scaling
  • Itching
How to discern One of the first signs of dehydrated skin is the development of fine lines, located mainly in the forehead, around the eyes and cheekbones. In some cases the whole face wrinkles. You may experience a feeling of tightness and itching. The skin usually looks reddish and has a dull complexion. The dehydrated skin loses its elasticity and radiance. What to do The best way to prevent dehydration is to make sure you drinking plenty of water and other fluids every day. You should consume more fluids than you are losing. Drink at least 1.5 liter water daily.
  • Firstly – stop washing your face with soaps and harsh cleansers, even the special liquid facial soaps may dry the skin and even lead to skin irritation.
  • Use mild products – cleansing mils or gels to remove the makeup in the evening and to cleanse the face. The harsh products formulated with ingredients such as alcohol; can strip away the skin’s natural oils and make the situation even worse.
  • Do a light exfoliation once a week
  • No matter what your skin type is do a hydrating facial mask once or twice a week
  • Always use moisturizers – the drier your skin is the more hydrating moisturizer you should use. Moisturizers improve your skin quality and act as a protective layer to help trap the moisture in the skin and stop it from evaporation. Apply the moisturizer and let it soak in at least 3 minutes before applying foundation. They slow down the natural moisture loss throughout the day and prevent further skin dehydration. Apply the moisturizer and let it soak in at least 3 minutes before applying foundation.
  • Avoid eating fatty foods and sugar
  • Never use harsh soaps – they strip water away from your body
  • Avoid smoking, drinking coffee and alcohol – they dry your skin
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